Tiny Chunks is a unique way to learn faster, remember more stuff, make more money, look smarter, and live a more successful life!
In Tiny Chunks, we take complex ideas, topics, reports, break them down into bite-size chunks and reconnect them, so they are easy to remember and understand.
No matter which way you slice it, knowledge is power. But knowledge alone is not enough. You also need a superpower called wisdom because wisdom shows you how to use the knowledge you gain. Knowledge without wisdom is like a car without a steering wheel. It won't take you very far.
Knowledge + Wisdom = Success.
Tiny chunks help you connect the dots so you learn faster, gain more knowledge, and learn how to recall that knowledge and use it to become healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Here are 7 good reasons why you need Tiny Chunks -
  • You can become the go to expert.
  • You can run a successful business.
  • You can make a lot more money.
  • You can improve your relationships.
  • You can soar to the top of your class.
  • You can understand yourself and others better.
  • You'll be able to give speeches at seminars or webinars without notes.
So how do tiny chunks work?
Have you ever read a book that you couldn't put down?
You finish it, sit back, and relax, and the first thing you want to do is reread it because you can't remember most of what you just read. Sure, you can remember fragments of the story and the general theme, but that's about it. Details have vanished, and you have no idea where they went.
Have you ever gone to the fridge, opened the door, and you have no idea why you went there?
Perhaps the phone rang, or your partner called you, but now you stand in a daze with the fridge door open. So, you give up, and you go and sit down, and then, poof, there it is like magic. You know why you went to the fridge. Annoying, isn't it?
Have you ever prepared for a meeting, and someone asks you a question you hadn't thought of, and your mind goes blank?
No, you don't have brain fog or diminished capacity, and you are not going senile. This condition doesn't have anything to do with age either. It is perfectly normal. Frustrating at times, but normal.

It's the way our mind works.
You see, our brain has three primary centers.
Conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.
In Tiny Chunks we focus on reconnecting the first two.
Here is what each one does.
The conscious mind.
The conscious mind is the analytical part of our mind. It's the moral center of our being and where we do most of our thinking.

The conscious mind processes thousands of bits of information that come in through our six senses each day, but it can only process 5-7 bits of data at a time or one thought at a time.

This limited capacity is why you can't remember what someone said to you a few minutes ago because new bits of information have replaced it.
Let me prove this to you.
There are 16 letters below. Look at them and then turn away. Try to recall as many as you can without looking at them again, and don't cheat. Write them down and then compare then to this list.
  • NB
  • CL
  • LC
  • PA
  • YS
  • TA
  • XE
  • SI
  • RS
Did you get 5, 6, or 7?

It's more challenging than you think.

Let's take these tiny chunks of information and move the letters by adding one, two, or three letters to each line.
  • NBC
  • LLC
  • PAYS
  • IRS
Now try to recall them.

You should have gotten most of them because they are familiar to you.

Let's take this one step further and chunk them into a sentence.

NBC is an LLC that PAYS TAXES to the IRS.
Now you should remember most of them, and instead of being a series of random letters that mean nothing, you now have a sentence that is easy to remember with familiar letters.
The subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is like a computer bank. It stores billions of bits of information, memories, interests, emotions, motivations, etc.

Some refer to it as the source of creativity, intuition, inspiration, and spiritual enlightenment. Sherlock Holmes called it his mind palace.

The subconscious is the part of the brain that your conscious mind accesses when it wants to bring something into awareness to solve problems, understand some emotional response, etc.

The problem is that sometimes the connection between your Conscious and subconscious gets a bit fuzzy over time, and accessing information when needed becomes harder.

Example: Bill says something witty to you, and you want to respond with an equally clever comeback, but your mind is blank. There's nothing there. So, you walk away defeated; Bill got the better of you.

I created a phrase to use whenever this happened to me.

Most of my comebacks come back six hours after I need them.

It didn't solve the problem, but it made me feel better.

I didn't realize at the time that the connection between my conscious and subconscious was dormant because I had not actively used it, and I did not file the information I gathered each day in the correct order.

I just threw information into my subconscious mind and hoped for the best.
So, how can you and I remember things easily?
How can we file the information we gather so it's instantly available to us?

A string on your finger won't cut it because you won't remember what the string is for or what it relates to.
The answer is. We use Tiny Chunks.
You take small bites of information and connect them with pictures that relate to the information you want to save so they become one larger chunk (or picture). Then you must only recall the larger chunk (picture), and other smaller related chunks will now be available. Each chunk becomes a picture.
Example: Let's say I want to file the name of a pair of shoes I just bought because I really like them, but they have a funny name - Sketchers.

If I file them under the word sketchers, I may or may not remember them when I need to reorder.

But if I file them under pictures in my mind palace, it will make them much easier to remember, and the file might look something like this.
You may wonder why I didn't use an image of a closet and a pair of Sketchers shoes. There are two reasons.

1. These are images you carry around in your mind, not your wallet.

2. Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between one pair of shoes and another. It can tell you whether it's a casual or formal shoe, and it can tell you what color it is. However, it can't tell you the name of the shoe.  

The images I chose relate to the object I need to recall.

I don't need to get up from my desk and go upstairs to my closet to get the name of the shoes I want to renew. I don't need to sit for hours trying to remember the name. I only need to recall three images—closet - shoes - sketch.
  • I chose the image of a closet because I keep my shoes in my closet.
  • I chose a picture of shoes because I keep these in my closet.
  • I chose an image of a girl sketching to remind me of the name of the shoes.
Can we shrink this further into a single chunk?
You bet we can. We can use a sketch of a pair of shoes.
With this one image, suddenly, your memory is sharper and quicker than it used to be. You feel younger, wiser, and more in control.

It works on a principle of nature: everything is connected.

You may remember that old children's song -

The leg bone's connected to the knee bone,
The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone,
The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone,

Tiny Chunks help you connect the dots by helping you reconnect your conscious and subconscious so your mind functions at its full potential and you can become fully alive and on top of your game.
Try Tiny Chunks today; we think you'll like them.

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